Geography > QUESTIONS & ANSWERS > GPH 111 Introduction to Physical Geography Quiz 3 Earth Materials | Arizona State University (All)
GPH 111 Introduction to Physical Geography Quiz 3 Earth Materials • Question 1 What is meant by the term "clastic" when describing a sedimentary rock? Selected Clastic describes sedimentary r... ocks that are composed of a lot of pieces. Clastic describes sedimentary rocks that are composed of a lot of pieces. Response This is the best answer. • Question 2 What is meant by the term ""felsic"" when describing an igenous rock? Selected Felsic means light colored minerals that have more lighter elements like silicon and aluminum. Felsic means light colored minerals that have more lighter elements like silicon and aluminum. Response This is the best answer. • Question 3 What are the different types of rocks? Selected All of the other answers are , and thus this is the best answer. All of the other answers are , and thus this is the best answer. Response This is the best answer. • Question 4 What is an example of a metamorphic rock? Selected quartzit e quartzit e Response This is the best answer. • Question 5 What characterizes sedimentary rocks? Selected Sedimentary rocks are formed when a rock is changed by the action of heat, pressure, the injection of hot fluids, or a combination of these processes. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the deposition of layers composed of the pieces (or precipitation) of rocks and minerals. Response [Show More]
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